Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Error: Column 'best_seller' in where clause is ambiguous<br />Error No: 1052<br />SELECT (case when p.subtract = 1 then (SELECT quantity FROM `pi8_quantities_log` WHERE `model` = p.model AND location = 'CENTR' LIMIT 0,1) else p.quantity end) as quantity, p.product_id, p.model, p.manufacturer_id, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pi8_product_set ps WHERE ps.product_id = p.product_id) AS product_set, (SELECT name FROM pi8_manufacturer WHERE manufacturer_id = p.manufacturer_id) as manufacturer, p2.date_modified, p.language_id,p.rent,p.name,p.price_prefix,p.price,p.image,p.tax_class_id,p.enabled_time,p.best_seller, p.exclusive,p.warehouse, s.price as special, (SELECT quantity FROM `pi8_quantities_log` WHERE `model` = p.model AND `quantity` > 0 AND location != 'CENTR' LIMIT 0,1) as local_shop , (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT category_id, '') FROM pi8_product_to_category WHERE product_id = p.product_id) as cats FROM pi8_products_cache p
LEFT JOIN pi8_product_special s ON s.product_id = (SELECT ps.pro in /home/admin/domains/partyinbox.lt/public_html/system/library/db/mysqli.php on line 40